Monday, December 14, 2009

Things to Re-read

Hey! Now, I dont want to seem nerdish, but I have about 1 million books at home. And I cant get any new ones til I throw some "little kid" books away. So, whilst I'm cleaning my tiny library, and while waiting for my new library book to come in, I've decided to re-read. But what could I read?? Not a series (too long) but not a short novel (read too fast), but a novel I've enjoyed and is about the right length? YES!!

I've got 2 of 'em. The first "The Invisible Girl" by Laura Ruby. Great if you like a tad of fantasy, mystery and things set in the future. The Invisible Girl is great, but the story can be a bit confusing if your too young, so I think about 10+ would be excellente!
My second book to re-read is "Cat & The Stinkwater War" by Kate Saunders. Fantastic for avid readers who enjoy not exactly fantasy, but magic. To be warned again, a bit confusing for 10 and under. I must admit, I was so attatched to this book (and I don't want to give it away) that I decided to name my next cat after the cat : Miss Queenie Eatsmuch (just the Queenie bit). And the front cover is to DIE for!! The part of the cat is actually soft velvety fabric.

Do you know how many great books you've read, and should read over and over and over...? You probably have HEAPS!! It's pretty much guaranteed. Hope you enjoy reading them over this holiday season. And by the way, in the side bar, vote on our poll - it'd be awsome if you did!! *and get your key boards ready for some typing... I dont wanna give anything away... ;D*
Until next time, K.xx

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